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    Race Pace Club AZ is a nonprofit sports organization overseen by an independent board. Team focus, strategies and decisions are made solely by the Coach as this is not a parent (booster) managed swim club. Coach may seek parent/ guardian input, guidance and assistance in management but only at his discretion and invitation.

    The purpose of a Code of Conduct for parents is to establish consistent expectations for behavior by parents, guardians and other team support members. As a parent/ guardian, I understand the important growth and developmental support that my child’s participation fosters. I also understand that it is essential to provide the coaching staff with respect and the authority to coach the team. 

    I agree with the following statements: 

    ❏ I understand this is a non-profit sports organization overseen by an independent board. 

    ❏ I will set the right example for our children by demonstrating good sportsmanship, showing respect and common courtesy at all times to the team members, coaches, competitors, officials, parents, and all facilities. 

    ❏ I will trust and support coach’s decisions around goal setting, training commitments, swim event entries, and meet schedules. 

    ❏ I will not impose my own ambitions on my children. 

    ❏ I will not pull my child from practice or competition early due to dissatisfaction with their performance or disagreement with the coach. 

    ❏ I understand I am expected to get my children to practice/ meet on time and ready to swim. 

    ❏ I am expected to pick my children up on-time after practice. 

    ❏ I will get involved by observing practices, cheering at meets, and talking with my child and their coach about their progress. 

    ❏ I will refrain from coaching my child from the stands during practices or meets. 

    ❏ I understand that criticizing, name-calling, use of abusive language or gestures directed toward coaches, officials, volunteers, parents, and/or any participating swimmer will not be tolerated. 

    ❏ I will respect the integrity of the swim officials at meets. 

    ❏ I commit to fulfill my family Service Points obligation to Race Pace Club AZ. 


    ❏ Don’t Coach your child during any portion of a workout or competition. Keep roles in place, Coaches coach; swimmers swim; Parents parent. 

    ❏ Swim workouts are always open to parents for observation but discussion with the Coach should be scheduled before or after the training session. 

    ❏ Insist your child refrain from alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and other prohibited substances. 

    ❏ Discourage violence, abusive or foul language, inappropriate sexual conduct or/and behavior deemed dishonest, discourteous, offensive or disrespectful of others.

    ❏ If your child is sick or has an injury report this to the Coach prior to swimming at workouts or meets. 

    ❏ Smart phones are not allowed to be used by swimmers during workouts or meets. We ask your children to refrain from texting, social media use, and video games during swim practice and swim meets. Encourage children to stay focused on their swim workouts and attention held with the Coach at all times. 

    ❏ It is advised to avoid paying your child for performance. This can serve to confuse your child concerning the reasons to strive for excellence and weaken the swimmer/coach bond. Be supportive of your child and encourage his/her efforts.

    Parent/ guardian disregard for the code of conduct in part or whole may result in but is not limited to action ranging from verbal warning to dismissal from the team.


    As a swimmer & member of Race Pace Club AZ (RPC), I will abide by the following code of conduct:

    ❏ I will conduct myself with dignity and respect for others and for the property of others.

    ❏ I will be on time for practice, training sessions, and meets and if I cannot be, I will communicate with my coaches.

    ❏ I will comply with all team rules.

    ❏ As a matter of team pride & courtesy to meet hosts, pool facility operators, & janitorial staff member, swimmers I will leave the RPC team area in a neat & clean condition at the conclusion of each practice session. I understand this also applies to pool locker/rest rooms, bleacher areas, meet pool decks, etc.

    ❏ I will practice and teach good sportsmanship.

    ❏ I will promote positive team spirit and morale.

    ❏ I will offer congratulations and encouragement to our opponents.

    ❏ I will support my teammates at practice and at competition. Working together as a unit will benefit each team member and is an important part of RPC spirit.

    ❏ I will follow verbal directions of the coaching staff. At no time will disrespectful attitudes by any swimmer be tolerated.

    ❏ I will respect the rights and space requirements of other groups using the swimming facility.

    ❏ I will follow the Code of Conduct at home, at away events, and in all areas of my life because I understand that I am always representing RPC

    Prohibited Behavior:

    I understand that at no times will the following be accepted:

    ❏ Use or possession of any illegal substance (i.e. alcohol, drugs, tobacco)

    ❏ Being in the presence of illegal or unacceptable behaviors (underage drinking, drug use, tobacco use, bullying, hazing, etc)

    ❏ Destructive behavior

    ❏ Inappropriate or unruly behavior, including fighting or striking another athlete

    ❏ Inappropriate language (swearing or derogatory comments) or lying

    ❏ Stealing and vandalism

    ❏ Bullying or isolating another swimmer

    ❏ Interference with the progress of another swimmer during practice or at any other time

    Consequences for Violation of the Code of Conduct:

    This code shall be in force for all RPC swimmers during practice, during swim meets, and at events sponsored by, or in which, RPC is represented. 

    Disciplinary actions can range from, but are not limited to; reprimands, repetitions of a drill, push ups, etc., being sent home from practice or meets at the parents’ expense, suspension from the team, expulsion from the team, being barred from competition, or receiving any other disciplinary action that the coaches deem necessary if a member fails to adhere to the Code in part or in whole.

    Safety and Behavior Consequences for Violation of the Code of Conduct:

    RPC Team Owner reserves the right to terminate the membership of any individual whose behavior places the RPC in an unfavorable light or jeopardizes our participation in any pool use or sporting event. This termination of membership is non-refundable. All members are expected to demonstrate good sportsmanship and act as appropriate ambassadors for the club. They should act as role models for others at all times.

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